Modern Slavery Statement

Christie Group plc and its subsidiary companies recognise their responsibility to operate ethically. In pursuit of our aims, we risk-assess our suppliers as part of our commitment to ensuring that there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in our businesses and our supply chains, and that those supply chains adhere to equivalent ethical standards.

Our procedures are designed to provide us with assurance that our suppliers take reasonable and appropriate steps to ensure the following:

  • That they do not have workers carrying out work for them or on their behalf who are being forced to work against their will, or being forced to pay money to someone in order to secure work; or
  • That they do not have workers carrying out work for them or on their behalf who are being forced to live in accommodation or in the UK against their will; or
  • That they do not have workers carrying out work for them or on their behalf that have their bank accounts or identity documents controlled by someone else; or
  • That they do not have workers carrying out their work for them or on their behalf that are being threatened or intimidated or are having their family threatened to carry out their work.

We are committed to a workforce that is free of harassment and unlawful discrimination of any kind, and we are committed to a zero tolerance approach to slavery and human trafficking in our supply chains.

Our statement has been reviewed for the year ended 31 December 2023 and was approved at the Christie Group plc Board on 26 March 2024.



Daniel Prickett, Chief Executive Officer, 27 March 2024

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