Risk Management

We assess and manage risks in order to enhance our resilience.

Managing Risk

We seek to minimise unrewarded risks and assess the potential impact of external factors.

Controlling risk

Diversified income streams reduce our exposure to specific types of risk.

We service three sectors with differing cyclical characteristics. Demand in the leisure sector is driven by elective spending. In the care sector, spending is mostly mandatory. Retail spending spans the spectrum – from necessities like food to elective spending on high-end fashion.

Within our sectors, our businesses provide advisory, transactional and support services. Our client base is broadly based, deliberately covering both corporate and private clients.

And we’re geographically diverse. We have focused efforts and resources to grow our European businesses in order to reduce our dependence on any single geographic market.

The quality of our services is underpinned by the quality of our people. We recognise the risks that are inherent in our people-centric businesses, and we invest appropriately to attract, retain and develop the individuals who collectively drive our success.

Monitoring risk

We assess Group sensitivity to external factors

We’re not immune to events. Economics, regulation, demographics and technology are just some of the factors that can disrupt our markets.

We recognise that risks continually evolve and develop. Each subsidiary conducts annual risk reviews as part of an ongoing risk assessment process. Risks identified in our two divisions include (but are not restricted to):

  • changes in interest rates
  • lack of bank liquidity and more conservative lending criteria
  • rising professional insurance premiums
  • changes in employee and business legislation, including changes in the interpretation and application of national minimum wage regulations
  • a decrease in the availability of labour
  • increases in transport costs
  • technology changes affecting the retail and hospitality sectors
  • economic slowdown and technology changes affecting the retail and hospitality sectors
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